
Sofia Mallia was born in Patra,where she lives and works. She is a professor of Physical Education, a graduate of the University of Athens, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science with a Master’s degree in Sociology-History-Anthropology of Sport and Sports.
She is a coach of Swimming, Synchronized Swimming and Counselling Therapy at young ages. She participated in a large number of Conferences-Seminars and World Forums in Greece and abroad, including Sport Psychology – Psychological Preparation of Athletes – Athletic Workshops – Athlete and Health – International Conference on the Psychological Benefits of Recreation – Pedagogical Conferences on Olympism and Spiritual Gymnastics – Panhellenic Conferences on Physical Education and Science of Sport.
From an early age she was involved in Athletics in Track and Swimming and was a National level athlete in Softball, first Panhellenic Junior Champion as a Pitcher, with the National Junior Team in the European Softball Championship in Paris, preparation in the Netherlands for the 2004 Olympics and second selection in the Women’s National Softball Team for the Athens 2004 Olympics.
Also from an early age she was in contact with drawings and colours and as the daughter of the well-known painter and President of the Patras Fine Arts Association “Kostis Palamas” she took her first lessons. Her extensive travels to museums around the world have enabled her to develop a rich understanding of Arts and Culture.
From her active position as a member of the Association, she had a substantial participation in the artistic shaping of the well-known book-white paper “OLYMPICISM – OLYMPIAN HYMNOS – KOSTIS PALAMAS” where she enriched it with the most beautiful statues and vases from the greatest Museums of the world. Se participated in and supported all the events in the significant effort of the Association for the recognition by UNESCO of Kostis Palamas’ Olympic Hymn as a World Cultural Heritage.